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SRP training jaw model [P15FE-500HPRO-S2B1-GSF]

A training jaw model created with the new concept of “dress-up concept” in which the alveolar bone and mucous membrane can be rearranged depending on the content of the training.

The purpose of training varies from person to person, and it costs money to prepare jaw models to match the content of the training. The 500HPRO series responds to such requests, and by changing the parts, a single jaw model can be structured to suit various training purposes.


●A jaw model that is composed of a diseased mucosa and alveolar bone that is assumed to be moderately affected, and the alveolar bone and gingival mucosa parts can be replaced with various optional parts.
●Since tooth models with root furcations attached to the upper and lower left and right first molars are attached, it is possible to practice assuming root furcation lesions.

parts components ●Base + resorbed bone + diseased mucosa + model tooth (single root/branched root)
Training use

*Exploring, scaling, and root planing are practiced in combination with dental calculus setting, etc.
*Plaque control is practiced in combination with artificial plaque, etc.

  • Can be attached to a simple mannequin
  • Tongue model can be attached
  • Mucosa and alveolar bone replacement possible
  • Magnet plate attached
  • Model teeth can be replaced
  • model tooth screw
component ●Standard training model tooth A5AN-500

●SRP training root branch model tooth A2AN-various

●Mucosa for 500HPRO 500HPRO-B1-F-GSF
variation ●P15D-500HPRO-S2B1-GSF (with D articulator)
●P15HD-500HPRO-S2B1-GSF (without articulator)